Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And Some Having Compassion

And some have compassion, making a difference. Jude 1:22

Because of the bad economy, a lot of folk are having a hard time right now. Many struggled through Christmas and no doubt will be paying on it for weeks to come. It's a tough time for sure. The first quarter of the year is always difficult for businesses. There are a lot of stressful situations out there right now. Each one of us has our own economy and some differs from others. I am not here to offer some sort of advice on how to overcome your situation, but I do know that each of us has a duty to be kind to one another and, like the bible verse says, have compassion. That is the best way I know to make a difference right now. I'm not saying I have the answer, but I have found hope in a new venture I've been involved in for several months now. Not only is it providing extra income for my family, but it is also going a long way toward some much-needed personal development, and that's an encouragement. For all this, I am thankful.

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