Friday, February 13, 2009

In The News...

My mom has always made it a habit of purchasing a copy of the local newspaper each week. She's been doing that ever since I can remember. Even now, as we kids have grown up and gone our seperate ways, she still brings me a copy of the local newspaper each week.

Growing up, one of my favorite things to do was to read the 'community news' section of the newspaper, where people from the different communities within the county would submit the latest news from their community each week. It was a great way of finding out who was sick, who had died, who had gotten married and who had been visiting whom. I loved reading the January 7, 1892 edition of the Albany Banner online. In it, there was the following submission from the Old Bethel community...
"According to rumor, they had a funny time at Gaunt creek Christmas, especially at Mr. M.B. Kennedy's. A Morehead Jones and Thomas Cross got into a difficulty there and had a hand to hand fight. They were under the influence of liquor at the time. Knives were used and blood flowed freely for a while. They were cut and mangled considerably and have scars that will last them a lifetime. Mr. Kennedy may expect such fun as that occasionally as he is "stilling" at present."

And, then there was this entry in the same edition:

Milton Parson married a daughter of Joseph Phelps on Obey river about 1874. During the spring of 1891, Milton just up and left his wife and their seven children and moved to Texas. There was no divorce, no marriage anullment of any kind. He just left. About the first of December that year, he married a Miss Hunter of Moody, Texas, but it seems that while on his honeymoon, he was taken suddenly ill and died the next morning! Two doctors pronounced his cause of death as congestion, while others said it was poison.

The Albany Banner, January 7, 1892

The New Era, November 25, 1920

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