Monday, June 2, 2014

The Professor

On Gilligan's Island, the professor could do just about anything. He went on the three-hour cruise to write a book about ferns but he brought along enough books to last a year or longer. But, in those books were solutions for every single problem the castaways encountered. He thought up all the plans to get the castaways out of danger from island invaders. He could hypnotize the Skipper. He produced electric power for phonographs or washing machines by having Gilligan or the Skipper manually pedal, or turn a pulley, which the Professor engineered. He even invented a way to recharge the batteries in the radio using coconuts and bamboo. The only thing he could never do was fix a two-foot hole in the boat. RIP Russell Johnson. Thanks for all you did to bring comfort to your fellow shipmates, and for all the laughs you gave those of us who were watching from 'a thousand miles away.' You did something that every boy in the world wanted to kissed Ginger. Way to go, dude!

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