Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Rambling On...
Today, my blog received its 5,000th hit since February 13th, which is an average of 1,000 hits per month. That's not a lot compared to most other blogs, but with me it has never been about numbers, although I do notice the counter. It's just about writing.
My writing has slowed down lately. There are a couple of reasons why that is, but, that's alright. I am fortunate to have a lot of people who care about me. I am amazed at the number of people who actually take the time to read what I write. It is humbling.
I'm just rambling here, but a while back on Facebook I wrote that clown steaks taste funny. A lot of people wanted to know what a clown steak is. Beats me. I guess it's just a steak whose owner happens to be a clown.
I've always heard that people have more fun than anybody. Is that really true?
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what my pastor once said...that we as Christians are called to be a positive and proper influence and an example to everyone around us. It's a huge responsibility. One that I admittedly struggle with. I recently had a friend who went by the wayside and I wish I had been more of the right kind of influence and example to her. And, now I worry about that.
One of my friends is Kentucky Headhunters guitarist Greg Martin. He is a great player and a very busy man. In addition to the Kentucky HeadHunters, he also performs as a member of Rufus Huff, which performed at the 2008 Foothills Festival. He also hosts a radio show called The Lowdown Hoedown every Monday night on WDNS in Bowling Green. Greg is also a member of The Mighty Jeremiah's, a gospel rock group that released an awesome CD. He gave me a copy of it and in return, I later turned him on to an early 1970's group known as Acts, which consisted of friends Jim Powell, Rick Carrol and David Pennycuff, along with Phil Mann. Greg told me that if he had heard that group back in the day, it would have influenced him to do some things differently in his life. I told him 'it's not where you've been, but where you're going that matters.'
In the same conversation, he asked me what our mutual friend, Andrew, was up to. So, yesterday Andrew called and I told him Greg had asked about him. I also told him about how I had given Greg Acts' songs and how Greg had said if he had heard the group back in the day, it would have influenced him to do some things differently in his life.
Here is what Andrew said back to me: "(laughs) Man, he gave me The Mighty Jeremiah's CD and it caused me to see things differently and I quit [a rock band he was in] and am now pursuing gospel music."
What a great story. Greg says there have been other instances where The Mighty Jeremiahs has influenced others. I say amen.
I want to be that positive influence and example to others, too.
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