Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I Want A New Rug

I want a new rug
One that won't let me slip
One that won't let me fall on the floor
And maybe break my hip

I want a new rug
One you can shampoo
When you shake it out each night
And the bugs fly all over you

One that won't make me embarrassed
Wondering what to do
Whenever I get sick
Will I throw up on it or you
All over you

I want a new rug
One you can throw away
When you can't get the stains all out
Not even with spray

I want a new rug
One I can vacuum
And when I want to sleep in the floor
It will cover me and you


I want a new rug
One that does what it should
One that won't make my face break out
Or my hands, that wouldn't be good

I want a new rug
Maybe green or gold
One that will still be around
Whenever I am really old


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